
When I switched on my phone this morning there was an ultrasound photo of Baby, sent by Becky, what a smashing start to the day.  All is well with Mum and Baby which is very good to know. 

I set off soon after breakfast to walk to the Health Centre to pick up the vaccination details I was having a rant about yesterday.  I took my litter picking equipment so that I could do some on the way home and managed a bagful!  Folks seem to toss most things out of their car windows:  fast food detritus; bottles; cigarette packets; bits of clothing; poo bags; assorted plastic bits......

Back home the wind is playing havoc with our plants in pots and window boxes, so I gave them all a good watering whilst Tony had the less pleasant job of cleaning the wheelie bin.  I took some photos on my plant identification app of the different leaves appearing in the mini meadow - think these must be the bi-ennials which we will hopefully enjoy next summer.  The app identified them as:  milfoil; plantain and verbascum.  We have lots of the verbascum which is good as they are bee friendly.

After that I practised on my recorder.  I wish I knew more about music because some of the music in my new book appear to use notes I do not recognise and cannot find the fingering for (!)  I can see all you musical folks smiling!

I think it may be fish and chips for tea tonight as Tony is still shackled to the computer and I don't feel much like cooking.

The blue and great tits have been visiting the feeders all day.  They do well to fly in this gusty wind we are experiencing.

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