;Does the devil wear Prada, or not?

Just after breakfast, I had a phone call from Kevin, and he said, you'll never guess what has happened?  I don't want to go into the details, (I don't really know anyway) but the person responsible for Open Church closing, has left. When I saw Kevin on Thursday, he looked awful, and I think this whole sad affair has upset him more than he cares to admit. Time will tell if he will do open church again, but I do hope so. 
It was pouring with rain, but I decided to catch a bus into town as I wanted to use my £10 Boots skin care voucher, which expires tomorrow.  I use all their skin creams, although I often wonder if they actually work. Never mind, they make me feel good, which is all that matters really, isn't it? By the time I got back on the bus to come home, the sun had come out, and it's been a lovely afternoon. J has spent ages installing the McAfee internet security,and it worked fine on my laptop, but he had a problem with our much older computer. I think it's all sorted now, thank goodness. 
Thanks  to admirer for hosting.

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