Melbourne Hall and Gardens

This is the home of the family of Lord Melbourne. (Think Rufus Sewell, ladies.) It is a much loved and well lived in stately home. The house is only open for visitors when the family are away, during the month of August.

It offers a marvellous insight into the domestic life of a titled family.

One of the guides is the housekeeper and I asked her if they cooked for themselves. Lady Ralph Kerr apparently loves cooking and often sends the housekeeper and her partner lovely things (Calvados and pheasant...). For formal occasions, balls and shooting parties they still have cooks who’ve been involved with the family for years.

There is a large tv in the sitting room. Another guide told me that a visiting young boy had been surprised, but he’d explained that the young members of the family do like to watch television.

Glorious window seats with beautiful views. Lots of deep armchairs and settees that look so inviting.

I so recommend a visit.

The gardens are charming too.

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