
By snailspace

On yer bikes!

Another cycle ride today. A little further practice on the folders. The day was less hot than yesterday so we chose a longer route. I have no idea how much longer because my phone ran out of juice, meaning that the bike's app did not record the ride in full. I had very thoughtfully kicked off the GPS route tracking on my FitBit but this too yielded no information. It was likely my own fault - it has happened before that, without the aid of my reading glasses, I failed to stop the the tracking correctly and the route is not saved.

Over 20 km anyway. We went out towards Bussière-Poitevine, returning via Saint-Rèmy. Tough going on the gravel-surfaced chemin on the way out but we soon hit some quite good tarmac. Some nice downhills too - wheeeeeeeee!

I am considering resurrecting my "Fat Woman on a Bicycle" blog and taking a photo of my bike whenever I go out. Unfortunately I have no front basket for my camera, as I had on my old bike when I started the blog. My intention was to record any interesting sights as I pedalled along. It's a little more challenging when the camera has to be in a rucksack.

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