
By pandieb


I skipped my run this morning as well...i need to pull my finger out if I'm to do my local club's 10k in a couple of months, let alone the 5 mile x country I'm considering in three weeks time!

In true student style, No.1 turned up unexpectedly last night, used her bed, used the shower, emptied her bag of dirty washing, ate breakfast and then went to see a friend 'for a few days'. In and out in less than 12 hours!

J and No.2 went to football this afternoon so I've done some WI admin, cut the hedge, stacked the logs i got delivered during the week, cleaned the cobwebs from everywhere my lovely cleaner doesn't get to and am now about to go and meet him for a curry. Oh yes, and picked some tomatoes. No. 2 is off to a party somewhere. Her friends are starting to leave for unis around the country now and she's finding it hard. Shes a very sociable girl but lacks confidence and doesn't cope well with changes she can't control

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