Fings wot I see

By dominic

Museum - 1 of many to come

Been too tired and busy at the house to blip for ages! Lot's happened. Found loads of rot under the floors so had to rip them all up, spliced in or replaced joists in the bathroom and Fae's room. Finished building the new chimney. took several more ton's out of the house/garden. Our beloved fizzy dog was hit by a car and killed.

Today we had a well earned family day and went to the National Museum Scotland. My mum took me to this museum weekly from the age of around 2+1/2 which is exactly the age Fae is now. I loved it and I plan to continue this tradition for as long as he wants to. His first trip was around 4/5 months old and we've been coming back regularly. Every time we visit he get's so much more out of it and we're hitting a sweet spot I think for wonder and amazement. 
I got warmer, more emoshy shots today but I had to blip the lines damnit!

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