l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee


Eek. Today was a very good day. Started off great cuz I had a great hair day! Then all day long it just got better and better. Oh and lunch with Kiley and Jake was hilarious. Ohmygosh! In 4th period Chang was looking at Joseph while calling role and called out Anthony while still looking at Joseph... Later on Joseph was like, "don't you think I should get a lollipop since you called me Anthony" and she was like, "I was looking at you before that!" and we all started laughing... So then Joe goes, "Uh huh, I think I should get a lollipop." and even Chang was laughing and then Anthony shouts out, "Bullsh*t!" and Chang was like "whoa" and we all started cracking up and then she was looking at him n he was like thinking for a sec then all of a sudden he goes, "WHAT?! all I said was the we both should!" hahahhaha Chang was even laughing. Whew-ee good times.

Uhm, after school went to B&G's to go clean. Made it sparkle and since it was raining I went out with ma camera n took a couple pictures.... There was one other way awesome one buht I juss had ta pick this one. So uhm, this is the sky right before it got all dark and dreary[:

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