Solar System

This is a model solar system that Fe's relatives Gemma and Lee bought me for christmas. I figured yesterday (today is Saturday) that it'd make a good blip. Not sure if I was right or not. It was very kind of them as I've only met them once, something I expect / hope to remedy in 2013.

So that's the first week of work out of the way. In between the trips to the porcelain throne and the non starting sales at work I've basically played FIFA 13 and Far Cry waiting for the weekend. I'm feeling better now and have the weekend to do with as I please.

Maybe I'll play some more FIFA? I've already listened to Lars Frederiksen and The Bastards for the first time (it's as punk as they come, shockingly) and I'm about to stick the Specials on for a little old skool mid morning stomp around the living room.

Of course by Old Skool (spelt with a K coz I'm kool) I mean 'pre school' for me as the album was released in 1981 when I was a mere baby of two years old. However as music has become more and more designed for purpose I find I have to delve backwards for something that actually matters.

Long live 924 Gilman Street.

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