Jacqi's 365 Days 2013

By JacqiB

Cleaning the Barbecue

I'm not used to having a barbecue and I'm not sure I've ever actually cooked on one. I know that we had one when my kids were teenagers. I probably bought it in Argos. It was the type that used charcoal.
When we first moved to New Zealand, friend who helped us move into our first house gave us his old barbecue and we used that when we held a New Year's Eve barbecue. The guys cooked.
A few weeks ago, a friend who is moving to Iceland gave us her barbecue, bought less than a year ago. It's great. We used it on Christmas Eve and again on New Year's Eve. At Christmas the only guy present was Rik so our friend Lucy cooked. At New Year's a kiwi guest, Tim, cooked.
I must have a go soon.

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