This is why September....

... is my favourite month of the year.

I can imagine there are a few sore heads this morning after seeing my friends last night. I felt fresh as a daisy and it had me questioning why I would ever want a hangover again. 

Making the most of the good weather we had another relatively early start to the day, out on the bikes for 8:00 and taking in the glorious countryside on our doorstep. Off over towards Clent we did a few good climbs and I felt I had achieved something in a short space of time. 

Got back home just after 11:00 and felt I still had a full day to enjoy so I spent the afternoon in the garden cutting grass and trimming back everything I could. Claire lay in her swinging egg chair drifting in and out of consciousness which is good because soon there will be a serious lack of sleep.

A nice evening meal followed by the latest installment of Peaky Blinders, what a fabulous weekend.

Mr Bo Hingles

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