Russell Crow.

I saw this Crow yesteday in our garden, and didn't think anything of it, except he was alone.  I saw him again this morning from our bedroom window, went to get the camera, and managed to take a few photos of him through the open window. He came back again at lunch time, and went onto the feeder table, and then perched on the fench. He can fly but doesn't seem to go very far. I do hope he is alright, but something tells me he isn't. I listened to the weather forecast this morning, and the forecast was for a dry day, so I stripped the bed, and just as it was nearly ready to go out on the line, it tipped down. I did manage to dry them later, but we did have a few heavy showers. I am cooking pork chops, roast potatoes & green beans for our evening meal, with blackcurrant tart & greek yougurt for dessert. We didn't feel like it yesterday, but I think I can do it justice today.

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