POG's Journal



My Day:
Yesterday I spotted that Matthew Syed is just about to release a new book called Rebel Ideas and it made me think of two of his books I have previously read, Bounce and Black Box Thinking…

Bounce was really interesting as it followed the similar turn of events as I had growing up with a group of cyclists in one area, one club and having 4 of them in the running for the 1980’s Olympics… I will have to find the newspaper write up…

Black Box Thinking was also a very good read, it basically talks about how we can learn from our mistakes and we should tell all about them, so they don’t do the same. It was quite a hard sell with my teams at work trying to get them to own up to everything and have the bosses not hold it against anyone. Clearly, they were not as enlightened as me – hehe.

I have preordered the new book but think I will read Bounce again whilst I am waiting the couple of weeks for the new book.
More tomorrow,


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