On the Road Again

Heading north, back to Lord knows what but Hey! it makes life interesting. That reminds me, I'm sure I've got my mum's old ration books somewhere.
So Asslar, not quite the jewel of Hessen that I was hoping for but every place we land up in is different. Asslar looks like it might have been pretty much flattened in the war and has since been rebuilt over the decades in whatever style was fashionable in that particular decade. Luckily no Tudorbethan though, that's a step too far.
The woman on reception advised us to go to another town if we wanted a decent dinner but we buckled down to find the best that Asslar could offer: a couple of beers in a slightly neglected but sunny beergarden behind the Pizza Schitzel Express, a great carry-out from an Asian restaurant where we watched the cook knocking things up from scratch, another couple of beers scooped up from the local garage on the way back, then fine dining in the dining room of our hotel apartment (I only booked a room, honest!) before settling down to watch the latest Brexit shenanigans on the BBC World News. Full circle in a single blip!

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