Tel's Blips

By TerryS365

Red Rock Abstract

Yet another day when the sky seems to be pressing down on your head. The morning murk turned to a fine drizzle as the clouds got ever lower. Up on Brading Down a fine mist was drifting around allowing for a few atmospheric shots before the drizzle made it too unpleasant to stick around.

In need of a good walk I went down to sea level to Yaverland beach where conditions were much better. This area beloved of fossil hunters has many rocks of different types and colours which are exposed at low tide.

Close up many of the rocks display wonderful colours and textures. I found several of these reddish coloured boulders which had been scoured by the sea into natural artworks. Maybe someone with more geological knowledge than I can identify what sort of rock this is but it reminded me very much of the red rock canyons of Utah.

Three of the more moody shots can be viewed HERE

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