Stormy skies on the horizon.

A dark blue sky on the horizon at breakfast time today.
Stormy skies over Westminster last night.
Our (unelected) Prime Minister was trying to bully his party into submission.
He lost the gamble.
Then expelled 21 of his own MP’s including former Ministers in the Government and 3 former Cabinet Ministers.
Ken Clarke became an MP when Boris was 5 years old. He had
served Parliament down the years, only to be kicked out ignominiously by a bully who thinks he can get his own way.
Well they had news for him last night,
loud and clear.
As loud and clear as the shouts and cries of all the people outside surrounding Westminster.
“Stop the Coup!” they declaimed and for now, at least, that wish was granted.
On to future battles............”once more unto the breach, dear friends....” and all that jazz!
(I’m channeling flag waving!! )

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