Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez

Posh Loo!

Spent most of today taking down the Christmas decs - I love putting them up but love the uncluttered feeling when they come down. Ky walked into the living room on her return from skating (funny how they are all here to put the tree up but nowhere to be seen when it comes down!) and exclaimed, this rooms huge!

As a reward, and because I'm sure he knew there would be little effort put into dinner after a day cleaning and tidying D took us all to a new Italian that has opened near by. It was fantastic and will be visited again. On a trip to the loo with Ky - she has to visit where ever we go, I had thought she would grow out of it but 13 and no sign of her toilet obsession fading! Anyway on a trip to the loo I spotted this voluptuous lady and rather liked her, Ky can I borrow your phone - left it at the table, what you're 13, you never part form your phone! On our way out we nipped back in with the camera and I took a few pictures while kneeing on the bathroom floor. Unfortunately a black statuette against a brown background was never going to turn out well but this is all I have for today. D did remark the Ky and I running from the restaurant after a quick photo session in the loo did look rather as though we had just robbed the place. I do so hope they let us back, it was most enjoyable!

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