
By Craftmonkey


Well, I had said I would start on the first, but as they ssay 'better late than never!'.

Had a great day just mummy and Ollie today. He has been on top form. I have been chuckling away all day. He was unwell before Christmas, with a cold and teething. Not just one, but 4 at once, and the big ones too. It has taken quite a while to get the 'old' Ollie back. Back to his bottom less pit and very cheeky self.

All ready for bed in his lovely pjs from Auntie Soph. We heard a noise coming from the kitchen and when I went through he had got into the back cupboard and found the roll of selotape, which he then pulled out of the holder. He is trying to find the end so that he can pull more off. He has already tried to stick his feet together and was showing the cat what happens when you stand on it! I don't know where he gets it from!

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