Pretty Red

I'm not sure what kind of flower this is......but I liked the beautiful red. I took this photo at the Portland Zoo this morning. Thanks, Anni, for continuing to host Flower Friday.  

I had a wonderful massage first thing this morning and then I met my son, daughter-in-law & Ellie at the Max Station.....they left their car there because I drove them to the zoo (I have a family zoo pass so I can get them in for free) but they were going to take the Max back home. Ellie was so excited to see all the animals......I stayed with them for awhile, but then I left them to explore on their own. I tend to be too opinionated about what they should see and do.....I am attempting to stop....but I noticed that I was still a little controlling.....darn!!!!!  They accept me just as I am, but I have trouble forgiving myself.  

The extra photo shows Ellie saying goodbye to me AND how a family of one year old triplets go to the zoo. 

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