New Term

I was helping L with another flitting for the start of what will be his final year of his course.
There was no one there to let us in as planned and there was a bit of stressful confusion over who was supposed to meet him with the key at the new flat. Apparently they had been left at a cleaners office and after a few phone calls some one turned up with them. I still don;t know the story but it seemed odd that we were given a very specific time to be there.
Once the pickup* was unloaded L had to empty some cases which I would take back up the road. Meantime I stretched my legs.

*Pick up with cavernous boot; essential vehicle for the student parent

While I was in the town centre I was approached by a mother and daughter seeking some direction (looking for the old parliament building). I'm less of a tourist than I thought because I knew exactly where it was. As it turned out the daughter (from New York) was starting her maths course next week. The historic university building (once used by Gregory of meridian fame) was on my way so I was able to walk them to the front door. They were nice folk and seemed incredibly grateful for a tiny bit of assistance.
I wondered where they had parked their pick up.      

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