Au Naturel

The Glasgow family arrived this afternoon bearing what is known in the Shetland parlance as a ‘woolly horse’- a adjustable wooden frame over which to stretch Shetland jumpers after they have been washed. They bought it for me in Shetland when they were there recently. Fortunately, they had assembled it for me as apparently it resembled a bundle of sticks when it was handed over to them.

Porty daughter also arrived, with difficulty, in the afternoon as many roads between Porty and the Dower House were closed for filming. She had just done a 106K bike ride to Broughton in the morning and was in need of some urgent calories.

We got them in the form of Söderberg pizzas and very nice they were too even after a neighbour had presented me with a scone- not your average scone but a Harvey Nick’s scone. There is definitely an Edinburgh hierarchy of scones and this must be nearly at the top of the list. It is in the extra.

There was little point in asking Nina and Ewan to pose for a photo as the latter does not stay still for a second, and so this is ‘au naturel’.

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