Town gardens

The local garden club's September outing was to visit some of the gardens in Kirkwall.  We had a tour of the Tankerness House Gardens in the town centre and heard about all the renovations that are currently underway.  The Council has passed its upkeep to a local gardening and nursery business who are involving lots of local organisations and providing training and work support for them. They have an enormous task ahead of them, but are so enthusiastic and full of ideas.  

We were also taken to see the local CLAN Cancer Support garden.  It is hidden away behind their offices and Charity Shop and is a wonderfully sheltered spot.  A tranquil haven with seating areas, a pond and huge trees.  

Further along the road is the Blide Trust, the local mental health charity.  They too have a hidden garden behind their building.  It's amazing to see the work that the volunteers have done, the terracing, seating and planting, and now planning to grow vegetables for their cafe.  

A real surprise to see what goes on behind what is basically a row of shops, and what can be achieved by a determined and motivated workforce.  Also super to see a huge crab apple tree covered in fruit!  It just shows the difference a bit of shelter can make.  

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