Celebratory selfie

Well, the the appointed day arrived at last. Passing out turn at Tenterden Town signalbox.

All went well and after 6 hours or so working the box in the presence of the Signalling Inspector and answering loads of questions on various technical and practical questions he turned and said “congratulations you’ve passed out”

So some 39 years after first coming across Tenterden Town signalbox and having a dream of one day working the box, the ambition has come to pass.

It was an interesting day for a passing out turn as it was the Hoppers Weekend, one of our Gala events. Enhanced train service, very busy with lots of activities around Hops and Hopping. Growing hops used to be a very important industry in Kent and an important source of money and enjoyment for whole families from the East End of London who came down to Kent on “Hoppers Specials”  to work in the hop gardens during September. A holiday in the country once a year and a valuable source of income.

Nogbad https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2617399795915951701 was at Tenterden unbeknown to me, just a few get away from the box and managed a blip of me deep in concentration. I didn’t even notice him!

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