Happy Daze

By Dazed

New fridge

Mr D's Nan has reached the marvellous age of 94 and is now at that time of life where she keeps buying new things and then deciding she doesn't like them. Which means we get a (slightly used) new fridge - yay!

We've had the same shoddy one that was here when we moved in over five years ago, with the fridge on the bottom and the freezer on the top. Why, I ask you, why would you design a fridge freezer like that? We got this one set up tonight and it is lovely though the fridge part is quite a bit smaller than the old one. Suited to a 94 year old perhaps but a bit of a squeeze for two 30-ish year olds who like their food. I'll be danged if I'm changing them over again though.

Friday tomorrow - yippee!

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