"Tell me..."

I attended the funeral of Bryan Cammell today. Bryan and Dad were at high school together and he spoke at both of my parent's funerals. Valda his wife was one of Mum's closest friends since they were 3 or 4 years old.

It's been a long day. I flew to Auckland for the day to attend the funeral. It was a marvellous celebration if Bryan's life, such a talented man in so many areas. He and Valda were wonderful friends to Mum and Dad.

It was good to see Valda and the family. Old connections remade and a strong sense that it was the right thing to do. Goodness me the singing by the choir and congregation was terrific. Bryan would have loved it.

Here I'm walking to the short-term parking area at Christchurch Airport. I was reflecting on how Bryan often said "tell me..." when he had a conversation with me.

What a great way to have a conversation with someone, to invite them to share and express an opinion.

And so another of that generation passes.

Today's gratitude: For the very fine Cammell family.

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