
By pixeljunkie

Richmond Bridge at night

A little bit of long exposure. After a disastrous start yesterday morning when I drove to Putney to take some snaps of the rowers at the rowing club. I jumped out of the car took a few snaps then started to walk a little bit further away from my car, i took a few more snaps then turned around and low and behold stood next to the car the lowest form of life, a blinking traffic warden!! I ran back but surprise surprise, he said it was too late. So I said a few words which cant be repeated on here. He also said that anybody can tell that this car hasn't been driven today, to this I replied what are you mad? feel the bonnet, the engine is warm! So I jumped back in the car just wanting to get straight back home so I just started driving, but as i neared home i parked up near Richmond lock to take more snaps or rowers, these weren't very good and neither were the ones taken hastily at Putney for that matter, so I set off home again, well and truly with my tail between my legs!

Anyway that brings me on to this pic, all day I was busy with the family, but in the back of my mind i'm thinking blip, blip, blip, yes blip has taken hold already! So late last night I ventured out again to Richmond Bridge to try again, I know there are lots of Bridge shots on blip but I like them a lot when they are all illuminated of an evening so I thought that I would give it a shot, get it? Shot, ha ha.

Let me know what you think please, oh yes and this is straight from the Nikon, no jiggery pokery here! ;-)

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