River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Wild Food in the Garden

White flowers of wild carrot, yellow of wild parsnip and blackberries near the sheds. The wild carrot and parsnip are in flower and providing late summer food for the pollinators, if they set seed and more seedlings appear I may consider eating them! The blackberries, on the other hand, are tried and tested, these are now in the freezer!
Perfect gardening weather: cleared a little more of the narrow garden and planted it up with an assortment of flowers and grasses.
Picked 5 runner beans, keeping them until tomorrow. Collected a dozen very small outdoor tomatoes and brought into the kitchen to ripen.
Inspected the tubs of Pentland Crown potatoes and I may give them a try in a few days time.
Very windy now, ex hurricane Dorian passing through overnight, rain forecast ...
Goodnight all x

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