Another shopping trip...

...another moustache! This boy has a bit of an obsession for fake facial hair...all in his quest to be a spy:-/

Took the Barmy Army to town today to spend some of their Christmas money...stopped off at the bank first to deposit a percentage in there first:-)

Es fairly worked those sale racks...obviously has the shopping gene her Aunty Gillian has...the rest of us hung around and waited...and waited...and waited:-)

Rooster was the only one who didn't get his desired purchase...Argos was out of Lego...who'd have thunk it.

The wee fella opted for Skylanders despite us all explaining to him that we do not have a functioning Wii currently...he wasn't having any of that nonsense. When we got home I took a wee look on eBay and picked up a second hand one at a good price that the four of them agreed to buy with some more of their hopefully Skylanders will be fully functional later in the week.

I got a coffee and and iced I was happy:-)

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