
By grahamism

Commute or this?

Work tomorrow, already.

It's been a while since I was up and about before about 11 or 12, so I had a dress rehearsal this morning from 8:10 (not that I'm counting, but by the time I was outside, it was 10:05... ah, must do better! I'll get up at 6 or something!). I can't believe I'm already sitting here in my work duds (trainers, black trousers, rolled up shirt).

This scene is more like it though eh - apart from the obvious, and the cringe factor of solitary confinement "in there", it's a better backdrop for gathering thoughts. I always want to sit here instead of jumping on a bus to work or cycling up past it! ;)

I've had a month off, starting from my birthday, to gather my thoughts, but I'm not going to write about it here (I mean, come on.. if you're reading this, the chances are we hardly know each other :) ).

It's always difficult to sum up a year and plan what the next year's going to be all about amongst all the logistical hoohah and hubub of the last week (Christmas & Hogmanay). There's hours of busy chit chat, but it's hard to get anyone just take a minute.

Anyway, this is me taking a minute or forty.

Happy New Year!

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