
By Mindseye

Time travel

Another impromptu trip into Manchester today.......turned out to be a good day!

The weather was pretty kind, a bit breezy but it stayed dry. Sis and I met up in M&S, eventually, after a bit of a mix up re where we were meeting lol!

A nice wander, tried a couple of dreses on, one I did quite like but wasnt sure if it was a bit too "girly" or not, didnt buy it in the end.

We went to Annies Tearoom for a bit of lunch. It belongs to Jennie McAlpine, aka Fizz from Coronation Street, it was ok, but not overly impressed to be honest :-/

We browsed a while in House of Fraser and on King Street before walking through the Royal Arcade, where we stopped for a coffee, in a newly opened place called 3Squared. Wish we had found this place before lunch, a much nicer menu!! One for next time for sure.

We parted company just after 3........£20 for my parking, didnt time it very well, it had just rolled over into the next price bracket :-(

All in all a nice day.......took this quick shot on my phone as I was walking back to the car.

An easyish drive home, once I got out of the city centre.

Plaice for dinner tonight before a lazy evneing watching the footy and Bake Off!!

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