Not a Sailing day.

It was windy...Very windy as it can be in Wanaka as our major wind comes from the Northwest and it knows how to blow. I have to say that its not good for my furls at all but at least The Boss stopped himself from those awful ear shots of the past. The photo group met for coffee and gossip this morning and I enjoyed that from the back of New (getting older now) Suzz as it was too windy and cold to sit outside and I am not allowed in. The Boss reports that The “Camera Set” were further dismayed to find another member of the group had a nice shiny iPhone XR Oh and The Boss watched the Apple “Special Event” last night and badly wants to go to New York to see the refurbished store on 5th Ave which they visited many years ago, (pre ME). He didn’t actually want to buy anything but was very impressed with the new AppleTV+ Service and its NZ price and finding out what an Apple Watch can do that he didn’t kno about.
My grub dish has been upgraded from GD10.11 To GD 11.0.0 Happy Birthday to me. There seems to be a hardware issue as it doesn’t hold any more.....Sigh

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