A photo pauses the moment

By Lozzy

Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox hits again, and this time it is Sophie's turn. As usual Molly is never far away and would never pass up a chance to have a lazy PJ day :)

A spot. A spot. Another spot.
Uh - oh! Chicken pox!
Under my shirt. Under my socks.
Itchy, itchy chicken pox.
Don't rub - don't scratch.
Oh - no! Another batch!
On my tummy. Between my toes.
Down my back. On my nose!
Lotion on. Itching is gone - just for now.
It comes back - Owe!
One and two and three and four.
Five and six and more and more.
Daddy counted my itchy spots.
Lots and lots of chicken pox.
Itchy, itchy
I feel twitchy!
I rest, I read, I eat, I play.
I feel better every day.
And then . . .
No new spots. Hooray!
I'm okay!


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