
By Cumbrialass

Not the most exciting day. A damp walk in the park.. which was very quiet.. probably because it was raining. A quick dash to get some dog food then to B&Q to get a plank of wood. Shortest length was 8 ft ( 2.4 metres if you prefer but I don't)  Mike was unsure we'd get it in the car.. but with the back seats down no problem ...we could have got in a a 10ft length. 
Home and washing machine on. Going away for 3 days but already have a pile of clothes that will need to be shortlisted. Pile A if it is forecast dry.. B if its wet C if it's colder.etc 
Map of Whitby area arrived so I poured over that. I love reading maps.. Made a list of possible walks A if its warm B if its windy...C..oh you get the picture
Quick walk round the block with Fletch before tea.. Almost forgot to Blip! 
This is a corner of our garden that was very dreary..plain grey wall and nothing growing. So we painted it green , put up 2 mirrors and planted some Virginia creeper and put a pieris in a large pot. So much nicer and now when I'm sat in the house I see this instead of a dull wall.

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