heart-shaped box

On a gloomy, damp day when I sit at my desk and things seem a bit lacklustre, I have a little collection of things which I can look at to make me feel a bit better about life. One of these is this box which was made for me by Christopher, out of popsicle sticks. I have been writing to Christopher for about five years. He is in prison in North Carolina and is serving life without parole. As he is only 31, that could be another 50 years. Yes, he committed a crime and is being punished for it. He is not facing the death penalty (my opposition to this was the reason I got involved with Human Writes). There is nothing glamorous (or remotely romantic, I hasten to add) about corresponding with someone in prison, but it has been a rewarding experience.

Looking at the box makes me realise how much I value my freedom, how precious it is. How good it is that even on a dull day, I can go out of the door and go for a walk. Or not.

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