Richard P

By ricky_p

Geocaching in Aylesbury

After a long day on-site in Birmingham I then travelled to a hotel in Aylesbury. I was very tired and hungry when I arrived so I did not bother going for a run and went straight to the restaurant. 

After some below-average scran I went for a walk to a nearby geocache. I went out just as it was getting dark and wasn't that optimistic given the high difficulty rating but the clue said it was in plain sight which meant I had a chance of finding it. I spent a while searching some obvious locations but they wouldn't have matched the clue or difficulty so read the logs for a bit. Fiddling with the only thing in plain sight for ages then I finally figured out how to open it. 

Would you have thought this was the cache? Took me ages to figure out how to get in.

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