Sophie The Gardener

We managed to get Sophie from our place to Bridgwater in time for school I our first attempt at what will be our new Friday morning routine.

We collected her 3 hours later at the end of her first week and she was still full of enthusiasm for the experience. Today's highlight was the tour of the school dining hall and the explanation of what will happen when she stays for school dinner for the first time next week. She was able to give us chapter and verse on what will happen and was most amused that the dinner lady's name was Mrs. Boobies - when Kate got home she told us that it's actually Mrs Bouvier:)

This afternoon we helped Sophie plant some hyacinth bulbs to go on their kitchen window to surprise Mummy when she got home from work.

After what has been a busy week, we reckoned we'd earned a G&T when we got back home and a couple of glasses of wine with our takeaway fish and chips.

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