Koi Pond With Water Lilies

OilMan's back seemed to be getting better, but he kept complaining of different symptoms, and he is developing a limp. My wifely advice, sometimes, I confess, delivered in a very exasperated tone of voice was being systematically ignored. Whether this was denial, selective deafness or just a general lack of body/brain connection, I don't know, but I finally decided we needed to get Kathy to deliver the message again. She told him that rather than getting better, he was actually showing more signs of nerve damage in his left leg, including a side-to-side gait known as Van Trellenberg's Sign. She patiently went over all the things he is supposed to be doing and said if it wasn't showing signs of getting better with a week of focused body mechanics, it would be time to see a doctor and get a firm diagnosis. 

 I also used to teach therapeutic yoga classes for people with back problems, so I know the drill, but sometimes it is necessary to get somebody besides the wife to deliver the message.
Let's hope Kathy succeeded.

On the way home, we stopped by a rock store to buy some bags of gravel. Although I suggested that perhaps this was not the time to be dealing with bags of gravel, he bought them anyway, so I wandered over to look at the pond. While the nice guy shoveled gravel into the bags and put them in the car, I went to look at the koi pond in front of the office. 

Landscaping supply places are not generally known as beauty spots, but this was a beautifully constructed pond in the shade of a tree (it was 97º in the sun) with some very large fish and some blooming water lilies. It was very tranquil. While I worked on maintaining equanimity, and not nagging,  OilMan had the guy from the rock store fill the gravel bags and put them in the car. I wonder how he plans to get them out of the car? I think he really hates to delegate, but if he touches those gravel bags I may have to go live with Kathy, or Dana....


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