British Ceramics Biennial

Externalising the Archive

I love this event. It's a 100+ mile round trip, but I think it's easily worth. Always top quality and thought provoking. It's based on the site of the old Spode factory in Stoke - a suite of building no longer used for a great deal.

Externalising the Archive recognises the value still to be found on site. There are, for example more than 70,000 plaster moulds still left. Efforts as being made to preserve and archive these and the rooms in which they are stored by photos, digital imaging and VR.

It's designed to make us think about what is worth preserving, what we value and how the future will look back at those in charge of our heritage. 

These moulds are just a sample but they create a powerful reminder of an industry and a skill set long disappeared. And if we're not careful with it will go the knowledge and history of the techniques and processes involved.

Powerful stuff. 

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