
By SpotsOfTime

I have a system ...

... in place which seems to be rather reflective of life stages!
One of my greatest joys and small/huge pleasures in life is cutting my sweet peas and enjoying their scent. Still going’s been a good year for them this year. Phew! I can very easily take a less successful year as a direct comment on my incapability. I’m sure they don’t mean it.

Spent most of the day doing a submission for my course which is going on relentlessly and determined to break me...
Hurrah ... late afternoon my friend and her husband called to see if I wanted a swim. I forgot to grab my camera but it was SO exhilarating...huge waves and bright sun. We sat for ages with tea mesmerised by a lake like beaten fluid metal. I saw a fish jump feet out of the water. The energy and magnificence!
For some reason the evening and our chat about Ireland reminded me of this lovely film ... ... ear worm alert... Hear My Song has been on my mind ever since.

As I write this I’m watching the Last Night at the Proms and thinking how fortunate I was as a kid that my school was in the catchment area for the Robert Mayer concerts at the Royal Festival Hall.

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