Still life

Bailey hasn't had his head in any sort of pot today but the top of the bookcase caught my eye this morning in a good bit of light. The flowers are the off-cuts from the ones I purchased last Saturday and are still going strong. 

A fairly standard Saturday with the added extra of an eye test which I managed to time at the busiest time in the opticians. Thankfully the test was downstairs away from the chaos and it had thinned out a little by the time I was done. A bit of a change on my prescription but still just reading glasses required so I selected a couple of new pairs and need to brave the weekend busyness again to collect them next Sunday. There was also the purchase of a new frock and a pair of boots from the favourite shop with the added bonus of a discount thanks to a lucky dip. 

Home to Bailey and a bit of Saturday tidying before reading led inevitably to Saturday napping. Bailey slept longer than I did and required a walk when it was going dark. 

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