The day...

... my little dancer started her training with the Royal Ballet School as a junior associate.

She was up at 6, singing in the shower at 6.15, hair done 4 hours early.  She was desperate to get into her uniform. And the moment she did, I had to take a breath and give myself a moment. It hit me the actual reality of the fact she was about to be a JA. I said to her “oh wow... you really look like a JA”. She said “I *AM* a JA, mama”.

She loved it. I asked her at bedtime what the best bit was - “I just loved being there, being a Royal girl. It was great”. It’s a back to basics approach but she learnt lots of things today and can’t wait for next week. Because she does a lot of workshops and things, it seems a bit weird that she gets to go do his every single week for the next two years!

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