
By HareBrain


And why not indeed, cheers!! The sun is well over the yardarm (but to be truthful the sun never climbed it today, and didn't come out at all). Although still mild it has been damp and dreary and even the birds have given up their cheerful song.

My friend of yesterday popped round to my house for a coffee and a continuation of yesterday's catch up after which I left the jobs, yet again, and nipped off for a walk down the canal. Met a most interesting couple who live on their boat and were just travelling this way from Oxford. They had a gorgeous cat called Pan, lovely markings of black/grey stripes and who looked very much at home on the canal, investigating yet another strange bit of towpath for a little way on her own with her tail on high and then jumping back into her boat. I took a couple of shots of her as well but don't know how to show you them??

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