Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

New Beginings

Woke up later feeling a bit crap. Not sure but might be getting J's cold.

Christmas decorations went away today, final reminder that it's back to normal, the diet and gym as well.

Most of the day was spent catching up with the ironing while watching a couple of episodes of Castle and the F1 review of the year on Sky. At the same time J was looking into the Florida holiday that seems to be back on again.

After the ironing was completed there was new shelving to be put up in the study and the three sample pots of paint to be put on the walls. Now just need to decide which one it will be.

Part of J's Christmas present was some running stuff. A new pair of shoes, hat and day-glow gloves and a heart rate monitor / GPS watch. She has signed up to do the 5K as part of the Edinburgh marathon festival in March. This week spells her new beginning as a roadrunner, as all she has done so far is the treadmill in the gym.

This will be my entry on the theme of "New Beginnings" for the weekly blip challenge.

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