Not my best feeture. Apologies.

Today I finally got round to seeing 'the Hobbit' movie. Hobbits have hairy feet. This one is all MINE and usually not too hairy.

I actually dislike feet, my own included. I have only ever known one person who I thought had attractive feet (a school friend). I hastily added the pink varnish before I left for the cinema and grabbed this shot while I was waiting for it to DRY. I don't usually paint my toenails much over the winter months as my feet will spend nearly all of their time in boots and thick socks.

I could not however turn down the opportunity of completing the day 6 January challenge & week 2 2013 challenge in one shot.

"The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art" - Leonardo da Vinci (clearly he'd not seen mine)

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