Cerdded yn y parc

Cerdded yn y parc ~ Walking in the park
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Amser yw'r peth gorau am ymddeol.  Pan roeddwn i yn y gwaith roeddwn i ddymuno roedd y penwythnosau yn tri diwrnod o hyd.  Un diwrnod gweithio, un diwrnod ymlacio, un diwrnod sbâr. Neu rywbeth fel 'na.  Nawr gallaf i gymryd fy amser.  Does dim ots beth i ni wneid a phryd.  Heddiw gwnaethon ni gerdded i'r pentref i wneud ychydig o siopa ac roedden ni parhau ein taith yn cerdded i lawr i'r parc, ar hyd y r afon, i lawr i Tesco ac i fyny'r i'r gyfnewidfa ac yn ôl i lawr i'r tŷ.  Roedd dros 8km i gyd. Dydy Nor'dzin ddim yn gallu mynd yn ôl i redeg eto, ond mae hi'n gallu cerdded yn bendant.
Ar ôl gorffwys am hanner awr es i allan i bigo afalau. Mae gormod o afalau gyda ni ac mae rhai ohonyn nhw ar ganghennau dros bedwar metr uwch fy mhen.  Mae rhaid i mi dorri'r canghennau i gasglu'r afalau.  Roedden ni eisiau tocio'r goeden beth bynnag, felly rydw i'n gwneud y ddau beth ar unwaith. Mae'n job fawr eleni ond rydyn ni'n gobeithio cadw'r goeden dan reol y flwyddyn nesa.
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Time is the best thing about retirement. When I was at work I wished the weekends were three days long. One working day, one relaxation day, one spare day. Or something like that. Now I can take my time. It doesn't matter what we do and when. Today we walked to the village to do some shopping and continued our journey walking down to the park, along the river, down to Tesco and up to the interchange and back to down to the house. It was over 8km in total. Nor'dzin can't go back to running yet, but she can definitely walk.
After resting for half an hour I went out to pick apples. We have too many apples and some of them are on branches over four meters above me. I have to cut the branches to collect the apples. We wanted to prune the tree anyway, so I'm doing both things at once. It's a big job this year but we hope to keep the tree under control next yea

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