Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Looking .......

for frogs.  Little B found a tiny one in the undergrowth.  We had Lucy for a couple of hours this afternoon.  Little Ro got a small bucket of water out and her stacking cups and she played in the garden with these simple thing s for ages.  

Took Little B for a late afternoon walk to a local churchyard path, he was frightened by loud noises though (dirt bikes somewhere I think) and he was desperate to turn around and go back the way we had come so we had to change our route.  We decided to walk a circle through a field footpath and end up at the village but by this time poor Little B was thoroughly spooked, refusing to walk past a fallen tree log.  When we got to the pub he stood under my chair so we didn't stay long.  He's quite a nervous dog, he seems happy to do the endless park/woods walk that we usually do so will probably try to stick to this in future.

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