Let's go to Ameland!

At 9 o'clock this morning I was a tour leader again, welcoming 11 people I never met before in the ferry terminal in Holwerd.
Together with Johan, the other tour leader, we arrived at 08.20 in Holwerd, had a coffee first and then waited for the first ones to arrive.
Between 08.45 and 09.10 everybody came in. The ferry to Ameland left on schedule, at 09.30. Great fun from the start.
The weather was great and everybody found a seat outside. I've been to Ameland and the Wadden Sea a lot, but a few from the group (we are already a group!) had never been here and were amazed by the beautiful views and fresh breeze.
The taxi was waiting for us and brought us to the hotel.
After the check in we sat down together and we all introduced ourselves.

In the afternoon we biked to the other end of the island with several stops on the way there. The course had started and the main theme was photography. Johan and I explained things about aperture, shutter speed and ISO and practiced everything on the spot.
Diner near the lighthouse and after that it was time for the main event of the day (at least it was in my opinion): capturing the sunset.
We had fantastic light and clouds, so everybody had a great time.
Some tried to photograph with the ND-(grad) filters we brought along and seeing the results on the back of ones own camera made the smiles even bigger.
When it was dark we biked back to Nes, to our beds.
Day 1 was a succes! So far, so good.

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