
By Foxxxey

Clear as mud

Didn't manage to get out of bed until 8.30 today which is a massive lie in for me. I'm usually up with the mutts at 5.30 but today there was no chance. Still feeling groggy.

Today was also mean to be assignment day and I'm not proud to report that I spent the best part of an hour on it. I'm sure il regret it.

I did however manage to write a new 'house to do' list, do the yearly budget, repot some plants in the garden and make a start on clearing the garage.... Anyone would think I was trying to find other things that uni work to do.

Treating myself tonight to some homemade sangria, or mud in a glass as my sis calls it in the funky disco glasses I had from mom for Xmas. If I can't/won't go to the disco, the disco will come to me!!!

Happy Sunday :-)

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