Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Rain at last and an interesting commute

This grevillea grows on the path down to the wharf and I usually pass it morning and evening.  This morning as you can see it is covered in rain drops.  It was cool too at 9C but nothing like the weather up in the mountains my blipmates have blipped today.  Hiding in this bush was a Brush Turkey grunting away.

I caught the Susie O'Neill river cat this morning who rammed the wharf causing some damage to her bow.  No one was hurt but  we all had a good shake up.  When we arrived at Baranagaroo (I looked it up, she was the second wife of Bennelong who is very well known as dealing with the early white colonists.  The opera house is built on a site named after him) she gave it a good whack.  I was wondering whether the skipper was on something or whether the weather was just so grim he couldn't see the wharf clearly.

Anyhoo, aside from that, little achievements at work.  The phone (skype with headset) is now operational, I have access to more program and my head is spinning less.

Thanks to JDO for hosting TT this month.

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