The blue hour

Sunday, the third and final day of this photo course weekend.

We were off to an early start again on the beach near the hotel with a totally different sunrise compared to yesterday. Much more clouds, but despite that, much more interesting in my opinion.
We didn't have the whole group with us, only 4 of them. The rest obviosly hadn't got the landscape virus as much as I do. I heard remarks such as "I've seen a sunrise now, I don't need another one". ewell, that's OK with me, but not a single sunrise is the same. 

With the small group of six (Johan and myself included) we had a great time on the beach. I had planned to fly my drone, but the wind was too strong, so I kept it safe in my bag. No flying this weekend. Instead I had some time for myself to capture the blue hour.

After breakfast we left for yet another location, this time on the Wadden Sea side of the island. We challenged the group to make an interesting photo of a statue of two dike guards. Subsequently we went to a small harbour.

Coffee with cheesecake in Nes was the next thing on the agenda. And after that we sent the group off in Nes to capture details, structures and that kind of stuff.

A nice lunch concluded our time in Nes. Around 14.00 o'clock we all biked back to the hotel. The group needed some time to check out and pay their bills and after that we killed the rest of the time with another photo review.

At 15.30 sharp the taxi came and we were taken to the ferry.
At 16.00 the ferry left for the mainland and around 16.45 we set foot on the shore again.

Goodbye, goodbye and lots of thank you's were exchanged and that was it!! All went well, the weekend was a huge success.

Johan and I were happy, satisfied and relieved during our journey back to our homes. I dropped him of in Groningen and at 18.45 I was back home where a hot lasagna was waiting for me in the oven. It's great to be back! 

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