Student Antics

By JoeTurner

The Three Musketeers.

Took a trip with a couple of friends down to Stockbridge today to visit the 'Day of the Dead' Mexican shop and the Water of Leith flowing under the Dean Bridge.

From the left is Roxanne, Courtney and Ranald.

The Mexican shop was very cool, and definitely deserves another trip when I actually have some cash... Ranald tried on one of the many masks in the shop, and almost ended up here on blip. What do you think?

I did take another long exposure of the Water of Lieth, just as we were leaving to go to the pub. It seemed 4 minutes just wasn't long enough though, as the whole photo was totally under exposed, and no amount of fiddling in photoshop could fix it :( Next time, there's another one for the blip list.

So we all ended up piling back to ours and ordered masses of chinese from The Ginger Express on Ferry Road, which has to now be our favourite Chinese, the food was fantastic! Highly recommended.

Well, back to Uni tomorrow, first class at 4pm.

How will I ever cope?

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